
Termination Assistance

This is awkward. Unfortunately, there are times when termination is the only course of action left in the “HR toolbox.”

When it comes to employee termination, your company can count on Momentum Employer Group to follow all legal protocols on your behalf, including filling out the proper paperwork and following the appropriate steps to mitigate your risk. In addition, we will help you implement your business’s specific disciplinary processes.

We work with you to establish procedures and guidelines to handle terminations in a consistent, ethical and professional manner. We also address your concerns about potential legal risks by following all federal and state guidelines, as well as by educating departing employees about compensation packages, COBRA and any other potential post-termination benefits.

Terminating any employee improperly can subject your organization to liability risks. Any missteps or errors could bring about extra costs, disruption of regular business and even legal action. Our team provides you with an expert consultation to help with the planning and execution of professional and law-abiding terminations.

Businesses can be impacted in any number of ways by terminations, whether or not they are voluntary. Employee relations, as well as retention, may be at stake. For instance, employee termination can affect your other employees’ productivity and morale. We help alleviate staff angst and identify sources of possible retaliation and develop strategies to offset these challenges.

We can help put your mind at ease by handling all the administrative paperwork, such as termination letters and unemployment benefits. And we can aid in the development of a termination packet, if necessary.